Last night I photographed a group of Christian rockers called, "Saved by Grace".
The pictures below were taken with a Leica MP, 50/f1.4 Summilux (pre-asph), and Kodak Tmax P3200 film, exposed @ EI 800.

Several weeks ago, I posted some pictures of a roll of 53 year-old Kodak Tri-X black & white film that I had aquired. I doubt I'll ever try to shoot that film, as the reason I picked it up was for an interesting still-life prop. Today I received some Kodachrome that's even more ancient than the Tri-X. This Kodachrome is dated to expire in 1954, meaning it was probably manufactured in 1952. It's 57 years-old! Kodak manufactured this specific type of Kodachrome from 1936 until 1962.
Back when I first starting photographing as a freshman in high school, 35mm Kodak film came in silver, unpainted aluminum, screw-top canisters. I had always wished I kept some of those old canisters. But the ones from this 57 year-old film are even cooler! The red and orange paint that Kodak gave these canisters were the traditional Kodak logo colors. They'll make a nice addition to my collection of retro still-life props.